JUDICIARY Latest Features

DCJ Takes Part in Regional Chief Justices' Meet
Hon. Justice Richard Buteera, the Deputy Chief Justice of Uganda at the 6th Joint Symposium of the Forum of East African Chief Justices and the East African Judicial Education Committee

The Deputy Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Richard Buteera, represented the Uganda Judiciary at the Joint Symposium of the Forum of East African Chief Justices and the East African Judicial Education Committee in Mombasa, Kenya.

The Deputy Chief Justice is accompanied by Jinja Resident Judge, Hon. Justice Tom Chemutai and his Private Legal Secretary, HW Dr Alex Mushabe Karocho.

The five-day Symposium was opened by Mr Adan Mohammed, the Kenyan Minister of East African Community and Regional Development who also doubles as the Chair of the East African Community Council of Ministers delivered HE President Uhuru Kenyatta's speech.

President Uhuru who is also the Chair of the EAC Summit emphasized that the Judiciary remains acritical player in the social-economic transformation agenda of the Region.

Present was Hon (Dr)Peter Mathuki Secretary General of the East African Community; Hon. Justice Mr Nester Kayobera, President of the East African Court of Justice; Hon Lady Justice Martha Koome Chief Justice of the Republic of Kenya and Chair of the forum of the East African Community Chief Justices among other dignitaries. 

Retired Justice Prof. Jackton B. Ojwang Ph.D (Cantab.) delivered the keynote lecture on the Symposium theme: "The Role of Courts as tools for Economic Development."

Responding to the keynote address, the DCJ, underscored the need for Courts to maintain credibility, be innovative, expeditious determination of disputes and administration of Justice in ways understood and acceptable to the people as ADR.

He noted that there was need for Judiciaries to be provided with adequate resources for the effective execution of their mandate.

This call was emphasized by Hon. Justice Chemutai during his presentation on a paper titled: "Funding the Judiciary Automation Agenda: Sustainable Strategies and Practices."

He shared experiences and good practices in the Judiciary software development systems. 

Hon. Justice Chemutai discussed the benefits of the implementation of the Court Case Administration System in the Uganda Judiciary and the recently commissioned Electronic Court Case Management Information System.

Posted 15th, December 2021
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